If your employees are going to be handling cash or other valuables, you want to do everything possible to ensure that none of it goes astray. Aside from the material loss, employee theft typically creates a negative working environment, so take the points listed in this guide into account.

Hire the Right Staff

The best way to prevent employee theft is to ensure that careful screening measures are followed during the recruitment stage. This should weed out any potential thieves. Background and reference checks need to include looking into police records, but even greater vigilance should be exercised when staff members will have access to large amounts of either money or valuables. Make sure all the facts check out.

Employ a Buddy System

Even an employee who never thought of stealing might be tempted to do so if the opportunity arises. This is why you should always have two staff members working together when they're able to access cash or valuables. Just ensure that you change these pairings regularly to help prevent close friends from covering for each other.

Maintain Flawless Records

If your inventory records are not kept up to date then the risk of detection drops; it will be far easier for an employee to steal from you. Make sure your records are correctly maintained, and conduct audits frequently – though preferably not at the same predictable time. Additionally, make sure that logged items match up with the shipping ticket whenever new stock comes in.

Invest in a Good Security System

High-grade security systems can restrict access to sensitive areas and keep thieves from harming your business. An access control system works well since it will limit the amount of people who can get into the area while unsupervised. If anything does go missing, you'll have a very short list of potential suspects. CCTV systems also work incredibly well. Just one or two can be enough to deter theft since the chance of being caught increases and the evidence will be undeniable.

Consider Hiring a Security Guard

Ultimately, few systems will be as effective as a dedicated security guard. Unlike technology, humans are hard to trick and almost impossible to predict. If someone is patrolling the premises, potential thieves among your employees will never quite feel like they're safe from detection. If you are interested in hiring a seciurity guard for your business, consider looking into a company like Backup Security Services.

Employee theft is dispiriting for everyone working for you, and it can quickly damage your profitability. Take some of the steps listed above, and make sure that your business stays safe.
